


在 2008 年教師節《畢旅2.0》出刊後,畢旅志工就沒有新的網頁公佈,但實際上仍有不少網頁在默默的安排。現在,我們將要慢慢推出 這些網頁,提供大家欣賞。

回想班上網站的設立,起於 2007 年興祥和蔡光籌備 1977 級畢業 30 週年聯誼會—阿里山、玉山國家公園森林知性之旅,在永豐旅旅行社 Andrew 的大力協助下,一個屬於我們的臨時網站有了眉目。然而阿里山之旅後,相片不少,為了找個合適的地方供大家下載、分享,嚐試了幾個免費的公眾 網站,最後選定 google。

接著美琪拿出珍藏多年的照片,2007.9.16 獨力完成《憶如月》網簿,內容真摯感人,令人徘徊不已。然後捕頭蔡光出馬,四處奔波,訪問同學,蒐集照片,經過一年多努 力,終於劃下《畢旅2.0》暫時的逗點,期待他日再續。

班上的網站以及網簿是一個屬於大家的開放平台,是讓班上同 學回想當年大學往事和分享最近生活的地方。我們可以讓它自由發展,如同社會學郝繼隆老師所愛唱的歌《 que sera sera 》,萬事隨緣,順其自然。既然多年好友,我們可以透過 Email 聊天,也可回想當年,無拘無束。我們將逐步公佈目前籌備中的網頁,這次公佈三個網頁: 【台大數學月】、【好記聚餐】、【隆基】,如有感想或意見,請多多回饋。醉月平台—期待您的參與,如是而已。

-- NTU MATH 1977 志工團隊 ntumath77@gmail.com, 2010 青年節


行向世界e台語金頭腦 Preface

行向世界e台語金頭腦~~ Preface for Daiqi Golden Brain

It has been several decades to know my good friends IngZin (永進) and ChunHong (春凰) since we were college students. Both IngZin and ChunHong have been working together from the bottom of their hearts to promote Taiwanese for many years far before Ministry of Education announced the first recommendation set of MinNan dialect in 2007. To overcome lack of standards, they further developed many pronouncing and writing methods. They also gave speech, taught in universities, and published to spread their beliefs. Due to short history of documentation, very few publications discujavascript:void(0)ss advanced skills in Taiwanese. To my surprise, this book (“台語世界級金頭腦”) studies thinking and conceiving systematically. Such a contribution could favor people who use Taiwanese as mother tongue and form their ideas naturally and powerfully.

Thinking is a skill by nature. Kids are guided to think and to learn by asking why with curiosity. From experience, education, and many various resources, we learn to think, to justify, and to make right decision. Thinking can be quite straightforward. In front of delicious desserts, we may enjoy more and gain weight, or may take only little and maintain good body shape. In a hot room of a summer afternoon, we may open windows for little wind without cost, turn on a fan for controllable wind with more cost, or turn on an air conditioner for most comfortable temperature with most expensive cost. On the other hand, we may also escape from the room and enjoy pleasant moods in department stores. We follow social regulations to make daily lives well-organized. In the midnight, facing a red traffic light and with very low traffic, some people run the red light to save several seconds with the risk of getting traffic tickets and possible accidents, and other people wait for the green light to avoid fine and stay safe.

In many situations, it is necessary to justify inputs carefully. At shopping malls, the first priority of salespeople is to sell goods and to drag cash out of shoppers' wallets. The information provided by the salespeople can be biased. When Nuskin advertised that her machine, Pharmanex Biophotonic scanner, has magic capability of measuring health in seconds by scanning a single finger, the claim might not be realistic and was for the purpose to support the sale of nutrition food. Recent big news on U.S. beef imports to Taiwan, both Taiwan and U.S. officials insisted that U.S. bone-in beef, ground beef and offal are all safe by quoting research reports. However, is it acceptable that we have to face any risk with the meat approved by the Department of Health? Does our government have our interest in health, living environment, and food supply chain? Lots of local residents understood the potential high risk and protested nationwidely.

Occasionally, existing backgrounds are not enough to justify the truth. Give two examples. Will using a cell phone near a gas pump cause an explosion? Can paper be folded in half more than seven times? Under well-controlled experiments, Mythbusters, a popular science television program, raised and provided answers to these two and many other interesting myths. From their experiments, we learn that truth can upset intuitive.

People with similar education backgrounds may perform very differently. Thinking, skill, and insistence are all critical. Even a five-star chef can cook nothing in a kitchen without kitchenware, cooking materials, and ingredients. After all necessary tools and materials are prepared, a housewife can start to cook with experiments. With recipes, the process of cooking skills can be greatly improved. Frequent practice is often still required to master and to cook consistent and tasty dishes. We need not only knowledge but also experiments to discover unknown facts. The ideas inspired from knowledge and thinking can be more effective and efficient if we can derive in methodical ways.

This book works like a rich set of kitchenware along with techniques to use. Accumulated knowledge is cooking materials. Many genuine recipes are also provided to explain the usability of these techniques. The most valuables are to create our own recipes from skills and knowledge. With imagination, thinking, experiments, and practice, knowledge along with various techniques can make thinking into precious recipes, excellent innovations, and wonderful ideas. Furthermore, with experiments and insistence, innovations and ideas can really make difference and may even change the world.

President, GNT Corp. (全球聯通科技股份有限公司)
Michael Liu (劉興祥)


Forever Young

這裡是一些關於「永遠年輕」(forever young)的聯想:




因此有些人一直年輕。比方說,十月初出生的人,特別容易保持年輕的面容。圖一照片中有五人,至少一人生日在十月的機率應當是 5/12 。或許正是這樣,在如月專輯的相簿裡(註一),同樣的人在許多年後,容貌並無明顯的差異。

圖二的照片,只有花朵,不見人影,無法判定是誰選的,但是看起來是鬱金香(tulip)。按照花店的說法,那是象徵圓滿的愛(perfect love),一個沒有懼怕,沒有病痛的境界,一個在天堂找得到的特質。鮮黃的花朵,常是代表愉悅的境界;淺紅的顏色,應是代表活力與熱情;淡紫的鬱金香,像是代表 grace and elegance ……,想來這圖片是嘗試表達如月的一些特徵性質。鬱金香因生長緯度的不同,而有不同的花期,但似乎公認那是春天的花朵,或許這本專輯正是希望大家記得她的笑容和那些美好的時光。

在人間,時間是用來排列事件發生的前後;在天堂,時間這個參考座標軸退化成一點,現在、過去與未來,不再有特別意義,在那個前提下,「永遠年輕」(forever young)應為真。


海文 2010/1/14 21:28


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海文 2010/1/31