Thanks to the help of Michael, Kuang, Zhishun and Tak, a photo album dedicated to the memory of Ru-Yue has been compiled at
If you have other photos of Ru-Yue and would like to share, please send them to any one of us. Pictures of Ru-Yue in our sophomore year would fill a big gap in the album.
A new group photo of our very first outing has been added to the album under "30th Reunion, Preludes" You will be amazed by how young and fresh we all looked!
For those of us who attended the reunion, I (as the only non-elected class representative) would like to thank Michael for all his work in putting together this memorable reunion.
For those of you who skipped the reunion, you do not know what you have missed! Just look at the album that Michael and Kunag had compiled! I really hope to see you all at the next reunion, wherever it may be.
With very best wishes,